Best EDM Software that Help you Get Top Quality Tracks this year

Electronic Dance Music (EDM) is something a lot of content creators dream about. DJs, budding music artists, radio editors and other creative people who have turned sounds into a living know what we are talking about. Apart from the aforementioned specialists, a lot of people…

A New iPad Generation May Be On Its Way In 2019

Apple’s iPad has remained one of the most popular tablet devices since it was first released back in back in 2009.  As years passed several versions of the device were released and many improvements were added. The latest iteration of the standard iPad was released…

Latest WhatsApp Update Allows iOS users to Privately Answer Group Messages

WhatsApp has constantly remained the most popular messaging app in the world and sleuths of constant updates have improved the app overtime. Over 1, 5 billion users are using the app each month. The main advantage of the app is represented by the fact that…

Samsung Galaxy S10 New Leaks Details and Specs

Samsung plans to unleash its next flagship in February. Since the device was first announced countless forum threads were filled with discussions over the possible tech specifications of the device. The latest leaks will certainly spark some fiery debates. The first one seems to be…

Manufacturing activity in China decreases for the first time in two years

Manufacturing activity in China declined in December for the first time in more than two years, says an official probe unveiled Monday. The situation is intensifying pressure on Beijing to reverse the economic slowdown as it begins trade talks with the Trump administration. The Purchasing…

An egg – yes, a simple egg – is the new king of Instagram

Stop everything! The web has been on fire for a few days for an egg, which has just dethroned Kylie Jenner for the title of Instagram’s most popular post. And no, it’s nothing special. The egg in question has an orange-brown shell dotted with small…